ImmunoRegister gUG


ImmunoRegister gUG is a non-profit company. Its purpose is the promotion of public health and science and research. The focus is on epidemiological and clinical research of inflammatory bowel diseases.

For this purpose, ImmunoRegister gUG operates a prospective national and multicenter long-term registry, “CEDUR”
(Chronisch Entzündliche Darmerkrankungen, Unabhängiges Register)


Measures to promote diagnostics and therapy of patients with severe chronic inflammatory diseases, in particular by:

  • Stabilizing established diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and by implementing innovative procedures
  • Promoting interdisciplinarity, including transnational interdisciplinarity, to optimize patient care and specialization through seminars and continuing education events
  • Stimulation, promotion and implementation of scientific research projects
  • Implementation of scientific events
  • Awarding research contracts
  • public relations
  • Dissemination of research results

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